Data Lineage SaaS for every business and market verticals.

Consultancy, Solutions and Support

Personalized custom and formal Consulting, solution and support frameworks.


Data Lineage
Model Services

Per project Basic Spatial Data Lineage

  • 1. Architecture Services
  • 2. Spatial Data Lineage Model Services
  • 3. Spatial Data Lineage Data Integration
  • 4. Release & Help Documentation

Data Lineage
Integration Services

Per project Spatial Lineage with Data Integration Services

  • 1. Architecture Services
  • 2. Spatial Data Lineage Model Services
  • 3. Spatial Data Lineage SaaS Integration
  • 4. Spatial Data Lineage Analytics
  • 5. Release & Help Documentation

Data Lineage
Life-Cycle Integration

Per project Spatial Lineage with Data Life-Cycle and Integration Services

  • 1. Architecture Services
  • 2. Spatial Data Lineage Model Services
  • 3. Spatial Data Lineage SaaS Integration
  • 4. Spatial Data Lineage Analytics
  • 5. Life Cycle & Change Management
  • 6. Contract Support Services
  • 7. Release & Help Documentation

Data Lineage
Life-Cycle Integration & Support

Per Contract Spatial Lineage with Data Life Cycle, Integration and Support Services

  • 1. Architecture Services
  • 2. Spatial Data Lineage Model Services
  • 3. Spatial Data Lineage SaaS Integration
  • 4. Spatial Data Lineage Analytics
  • 5. Life Cycle & Change Management
  • 6. Contract Support Services
  • 7. On-Call 24x7 Support Services
  • 8. Release & Help Documentation

First Integrated SPATIAL Data Lineage (SDL) Exchange - SaaS Platform in the market, for your ERP, SCM, CMS data for Sustainable Business Anywhere!

LINEX Process:
We provide unique integrated Spatial Data Lineage Exchange SaaS platform to support your ERP, SCM, CMS data ecosystem. The operational and management KPI based LiNEX Process models to suite the business verticals.

LINEX Business:
A metadata standards based Data Modelling for all Business verticals. A Cloud SaaS based component micro-service architecture for your Business Ecosystem. The LiNEX provides an integrated, dependable, effective and flexible Spatial Data Lineage Exchange platform for your diverse data ecosystem.

LINEX Services:
We are providing comprehensive data life-cycle services to perpare your data and information silos to enable the Spatial Data Lineage Analytics. The integrated Spatial Data Lineage Models and Analytics would help your business operations and management. 

1. CubeSAT/NanoSAT Logistics & Operations Management

1. Data Lineage Ecosystem
LINEX provides unique metadata standard based Data Lineage Exchange platform and assembly-line to support your ERP, SCM and CMS data ecosystems. 

2. Space-Supply-Chain Platform & Exchange

2. Integrated Spatial Data Lineage Model
A component SaaS architecture with standards, micro-services based integrated Spatial Data Lineage  Modelling and Analytics platform. 

3. Space Planning & Design for Sustainable Habitat Anywhere

3. Sustainable Business with Data Lineage Life-Cycles
The LINEX is a platform for the life-cycle of Sustainable Business data operations. We provide comprehensive Data configuration, metadata standards, Data Lineage Models and Intelligence. 

Integrated Spatial Data Lineage Intelligence

Your Business SCM, ERP, SCM Data Life-Cycle with Spatial Data Lineage from LiNEX 

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Data Lineage Analysis Output

Big Data and Lineage Solution 

The evolution of Data Lineage has been traditionally using KPI based Analytics using attribute data only (see figure on the right). The paradigm on Data Lineage is being transformed with full life-cycle approaches and spatial analytics. We at LiNEX provide teh much needed Data Life-Cycle Architecture and Spatial Data Lineage Analytics for your business operations and management.

This tracking of data includes the complex transformations that happen in analytics pipelines with a variety of data sources and destinations. So it can get very complicated, very fast.

LiNEX Spatial Data Lineage Models & Analytics ANYWHERE

More value from spatially integrated ERP, SCM, CRM data systems

Contact LiNEX 

Please write us about Your Vision and Requirements, LiNEX will walk with your Data Landscape and Ecosystem.

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