Data Lineage SaaS for every business and market verticals.

Spatial Data Lineage

The LINEX is a platform for the life-cycle of Sustainable Business data operations. We provide comprehensive Data configuration, metadata standards, Data Lineage Models and Intelligence. The operational and management KPI based LiNEX Process models to suite the business verticals.

A metadata standards based Data Modelling for all Business verticals. A Cloud SaaS based component micro-service architecture for your Business Ecosystem. The LiNEX provides an integrated, dependable, effective and flexible Spatial Data Lineage Exchange platform for your diverse data ecosystem.

We are providing comprehensive data life-cycle services to prepare your data and information silos to enable the Spatial Data Lineage Analytics. The integrated Spatial Data Lineage Models and Analytics would help your business operations and management. 

1. Customer Requirement Gathering & On-Boarding

The initial customer data lineage requirement gathering would bring clarity for the following data collection, integration ETL/ELT, processing and modelling. 

2. Business Database & Analytics Process 

The Data Reviews, Analysis and Process management for the Business Use Case is the next stage towards the Data Lineage with Spatial features & functions.

3. Spatial Data Fusion and Data Lineage Modelling

The data assembly, fusion (ETL/ELT) and integration for the Models and analysis for the client business use cases.

4. Lineage and Spatial Analytics Function Configuration

The Spatial Analytics functions and tools configuration is the  spatial tools, functions and processing across the location tag data.

5. Spatial Data Lineage KPIs & Reporting

This is the final Spatial Data Lineage Analytics based Report preparations.

Lineage Data Process and Integration:
with Spatial Features & Functions

Simplified Data Lineage with Spatial Features and Functions with rich Demography, Social, Routes, Logistics, Facilities, Proximity, Drive-time data to support business capacity planning and operations. The Data Lineage with the critical Spatial functions, analytics and functions helps to develop accurate assessments of the client base and provide precision products and services.

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Data Lineage Analysis Output

Big Data and Lineage Solution 

The evolution of Data Lineage has been traditionally using KPI based Analytics using attribute data only (see figure on the right). The paradigm on Data Lineage is being transformed with full life-cycle approaches and spatial analytics. We at LiNEX provide teh much needed Data Life-Cycle Architecture and Spatial Data Lineage Analytics for your business operations and management.

This tracking of data includes the complex transformations that happen in analytics pipelines with a variety of data sources and destinations. So it can get very complicated, very fast.

LiNEX: Lineage.SPATIAL Market Segments

1. Insurance Retail Data Lineage

The market have widely diverse demography, locations, mobility, income, ethnicity, asset, insurance coverage requirements. 
The Data Lineage with the critical Spatial functions, analytics and functions helps to develop accurate assessments of the client base and provide precision products and services.

2. Retail Banking Capacity & Services

Historically, the retail banking services were built on trust and service qualities.

With the advent of digital banking and robo-services, the market and banking assets and functions have a divergent growth pattern. The underlying reasons include the lack of Customer profile intelligence with Spatial Data Lineage analytics and decision support functions.

3. Mobility Data Lineage

The Transportation sector is riddled with very dynamic process, stakeholders, data and spatial patterns. The data lineage with respect to vehicle ownership, driving, origins, destination, road segments, assets etc. all have its data lineage with spatial patterns. The Lineage analytics helps to streamline and optimize the constituent factors. 

6. ESG Data Lineage Spatially

The Financial potentials and factors are increasingly looked at from its underlying Environmental, Social and Governance perspectives. These ESG factors have clear Spatial distribution, connectivity, social, demographics, operational and management governance factors.

The ESG analytics of data needs its spatial contexts for decision making, operational precisions and their impacts.

4. Healthcare Data Lineage

The diverse healthcare facilities, services, capacities (clinical & pharma) and patient demography hols very dynamic data with complex data lineages.

The Spatial and contextual data lineage profile of the Healthcare ecosystem is very complex which is made simpler with LiNEX solutions.

5. Shipping/Logistics Data Lineage

The Shipping and Logistics industries span across lineage corridors and diverse stakeholders with dynamic national/international transactions and relationships.

LiNEX provides a unified cloud based integration platform for shipping and logistics sector to collate and visualize the stakeholder databases and its linear and spatial lineage contexts for efficient operations and accurate decision supports.

Contact LiNEX 

Please write us about Your Vision and Requirements, LiNEX will walk with your Data Landscape and Ecosystem.

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Data Lineage  - Why? What ? How?

Data Lineage Introduction

Attribute Data Lineage Frameworks (traditional models)

From the data origin, data transformation, analytics, reporting the process of data lineage shows what happens and how the data is related to each KPI factors among the data and where it moves.

LiNEX Spatial Data Lineage Models & Analytics ANYWHERE

More value from spatially integrated ERP, SCM, CRM data systems

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